Since the rise time of IGBTs are in the range of a few tens of nanoseconds (between 50ns-200ns), even short cables between PWM motor drives and motors can cause voltage doubling at the motor terminals due to Travelling Wave Phenomenon such as in transmission lines. If sufficient precautions are not taken, the insulation of motor windings are prone to failure due to high voltage spikes.
dV/dT Output Filter Modules effectively protect motors against these high voltage spikes due to the use of motor cables between IGBT-based motor drives and motors.
- Reduction of dv/dt stress on the motor windings
- Extension of equipment lifespan
- Compliance with standards of general purpose motors up to 100 m cable length
- Economic and compact solution for short cable applications
- Reduction of EMI on surrounding equipment
Typical Applications
- Motor Drives with short motor cables
- Motor Drives with existing motors
- Process Industry
- Oil & Gas
- Water and Waste Water
- Irrigation